Midnight, the time of hopelessness and attacks, or that's what Horror Movies taught me! But sometimes the unexpected happens, and People can hurt you in more ways than one, and I learned that from Kyle...

BTW: This game is one of my first big projects, I am not a professional, I am just somebody trying to a game developer one day. Also, READ THE DESCRIPTION AND NOTES! It will help you because I am not smart enough to code a system for automatic answers those you have to type yourself! Read the description for possible answers and remember...DON'T SAY MEREDITH!



Creepy eyes PNG belongs to Kenneth Garret respectfully.

Created with Scratch, yes, I am not joking.


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also did you follow the theme?

Yes, This was supposed to be a catridge like game, or a pc game like doom.

the theme was "the floor is lava

Oh...I am so sorry.

I made this game and didn't even realize the theme

you need to convert this game into an html for it to count


Its been done